
Lead with Conviction and Commitment

"Those who believe they can move mountains do so. Those who believe they can’t, cannot. BELIEF triggers the power to do." -David J. Schwartz Conviction comes from self-belief and in turn, is a firmly held belief.  It is internal and [...]

Agility is the New Leadership Black

Agility is the new leadership black. Leadership today requires you to go wide, deep, and wide again. It requires you to have a clear picture of the future and to be highly responsive to the climate and culture you are [...]

Set Yourself Up For Success

Well, isn’t the year flying along already!  After a fantastic festive season, I still can’t believe it’s almost the end of January.  Only weeks ago we were all out Christmas shopping, ticking off our Christmas card list and wishing everyone [...]

The Top Fifteen Percent Leader

Well, what an amazing year it has been!  We have facilitated hundreds of successful leadership, coaching and sales effectiveness programs across a wide range of organisations and industries. We have been working on new and exciting materials, methodologies and IP [...]

Your “why” to change

Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same. Does your energy to change exceed your energy to stay the same? Working with hundreds of leaders over the last decade has provided me with amazing [...]

Lead for Commitment not Compliance

One Volunteer is worth ten forced men. A great African proverb that says it all, if your team is not committed it can take a lot of work and “noise” and usually will not achieve the desired outcome. Having true [...]

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

That warm comfortable bubble that surrounds us all at times keeps us safe but where there is safety there is usually not much growth.  Growth is one of the 6 core human needs and we all need to grow in [...]

Mapping Motivation for Success

What really gets you out of bed in the morning? As an executive coach, facilitator and consultant I was looking for a profiling tool that was unique, applicable across an organisation and one that would identify key motivators in a [...]

The 4 Levels of Thinking

With the year-end fast approaching and another new year about to begin, I reflect on a fantastic year of assisting our clients to grow and develop both professionally and personally. Mindset has been a common theme this year, especially within [...]


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