
We help leaders lead so teams become connected and organisations become exceptional places to work.

Leadership. Communication. Mindset.

Renée Giarrusso

We passionately collaborate across a wide variety of industries:

2 Sides in 2 Minutes

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Hear About What We Do

Gift Mindset®

Have you got your copy of the international 4 time award winning Gift Mindset book?

In this fascinating book, leadership and communication expert, Renée Giarrusso teaches us how to view challenging situations — and successes too —  as ‘gifts’; each is valuable for the lessons it teaches us. With the right mindset, we can learn to embrace them and apply the lessons in our personal and professional lives.

Most of us experience challenges, crises, sadness and triumphs and success at some point over the years. Life throws us curveballs. Some are made of glass and hard to catch, some bounce off us and others seem to fall straight into our hands. The author calls these ‘gifts’. How we catch (or drop), these gifts depends on our mindset, perspective, beliefs, experiences, values, and so many other things.

In this thought-provoking book, Renée teaches us how to adopt a Gift Mindset to learn from these life experiences and appreciate them as gifts.

Renée shares her message by contributing to:

Wanting to accelerate leadership and communication to lift performance?

Looking for leaders to lead and create future leaders and not manage the status quo?

Need to accelerate limitless leaders and teams?

Looking to create a collaborative and connected culture?

My name is Renée Giarrusso, and I specialise in Communication, Leadership and Mindset. My mission is to accelerate limitless leaders, teams and organisations to high performance by energising mindset and accelerating, leadership, communication and collaboration.

Many leaders are drowning in the overwhelm of a management mindset. They become time-poor, skill stretched and focused on process and progress over people. Juggling strategy, budgets, systems, people, skills and much more; they are simply in “maintenance” mode as a manager and not always progressive and leading.

Imagine having a focused and clearer leadership mindset.

Consider this – what would tomorrow look like if your leaders were limitless?

  • Leaders would be leading not managing

  • Open to learn, unlearn, relearn and evolve

  • Future leaders are being created

  • Focus time working ‘on” the team and not just “in” it

  • Unresolved people issues would be resolved

  • Increased coaching capability would create a coach centric culture

  • Clear, open and consistent communication would be in play

  • A focus on people before process and progress

  • Self-leadership would be a focus, even for future leaders

  • An engaged and connected culture would be seen, felt and heard
  • Motivated staff would know and be doing what lights them up

  • Teams would be leveraging each others strengths

  • Cross leadership would be taking place

  • Leaders and teams would be strategically thinking and future ready

  • A culture that adopts the Gift Mindset sees shared challenges and successes

  • High performance and results would be achieved

  • Higher trust, connection and collaboration would be the new normal

  • Soft skills and life skills are developed and deepened to compliment the hard skills

I know all of the above is possible, and my team and I will help you achieve this through tailored solutions that are transformational and not one-off events that don't stick or create change.

I really believe when leaders take the time to understand the difference between managing and leading, they gain clarity, direction and step up their communication and leadership skills to cut through and connect. A collaborative and connected culture stems from putting people before process and progress.

Accelerating Limitless Leaders

Your partner in accelerating people and their potential

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Explore our full list of programs, workshops and speaker topics

The way we led in the past is not going to work if we are looking to remain relevant and future-fit. We now have hybrid work in play, new generations to lead and the constant challenges of innovation, technology, strategy, and a forever changing marketplace.

Now, more than ever, we need to lead and not just manage the status quo.

Are you ready to start?

For over 25 years, I have been leading teams and working with teams and organisations in over 24 industries at all levels. By lifting leadership and accelerating mindset and communication, we can lift performance and create what we call a LIMITLESS CULTURE.

I’ve run 3000 programs and conducted over 2,500 coaching sessions. I’ve published 3 books and I am obsessed with working with people and organisations seeking growth to realise and achieve what’s possible.

Are you ready to create a limitless culture?

As seen in our master model, we start with working with the leaders and then teams to solve current problems, embed change and instil the behaviours that will flow onto the rest of the organisation.

Our tailored programs provide a strategic pathway with regular workshops, coaching, group mentoring, masterclasses and immersions to ensure learnings are embedded back on the job and are applied in real-time.

To be LIMITLESS is to know no bounds and be constantly learning, unlearning and evolving!

It’s time to be LIMITLESS – let’s start today!

Here’s how Renée and her team can help:


Looking for a dynamic speaker for your next conference or team offsite meeting?

Are you looking for someone who actually works in the field where they are the subject matter expert?

Look no further than Renée to inform, inspire and take your event to the next level.


Seeking a transformational program tailored to your needs, in your language and delivered dynamically with a focus on learning transfer and change back on the job?

Running highly immersive and dynamic programs based on your needs and objectives is our passion.

Mentoring & Coaching

Specialising in tailored 1:1 and group coaching and mentoring programs, we take your leadership and success to the next level.

ICF studies show that 70% of people undertaking executive coaching improved work performance, and 51% improved team effectiveness!


Author of 3 books and a communication, leadership and mindset expert, Renée shares her message on the media by contributing to insights and knowledge across an array of platforms such as magazine, radio, TV or as a contributor to well-known publications.


Ready to make a start?

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