Clear the past to create the future of YOU

Many times, the things that are blocking us or holding us back are simply emotions, behaviours, and old patterns that we can’t seem to access as they are at a subconscious level.
No matter what we think, do, or action, it feels like we are running on a treadmill and getting nowhere. This can be exhausting and frustrating and can lead to unhappiness, lack of motivation, and YOU not getting to live your best life.
We need to BE before we can DO and HAVE our desired outcome.
Being an intuitive person with a deep spiritual side, I have always been pulled to go deeper into self-development with our clients. Over the last few years, I have been studying methodologies, modalities, and frameworks to help clients and loved ones move from where they are to where they want to be more powerfully and easily.
I have personally experienced this coaching myself and it has been a profound and powerful experience that has changed me in many ways and will continue to do so. All our coaches are accredited Spiral practitioners.
Sometimes you may not even be aware that you are not living and being your full limitless self

Emotional blockages, limiting beliefs and people and situational triggers, and running on the treadmill of life can often result in us not moving forward.
We can learn, unlearn, grow, and strive to achieve goals, but at the end of the day, if there are blockages at a deeper level, you cannot reach your full potential until these are cleared.
The key is to identify and clear interferences such as:
- Emotional blockages
- Negative mindset & thought patterns
- Disempowering Stories and patterns from the past
- Behaviours that no longer serve you
- Limiting beliefs & values
In all our LimitlessU 1:1 Programs, we peel back the layers, clear out what’s needed, and amplify what will serve you to be your LimitlessU.
Our Coaching Programs
We have a variety of transformational programs that are tailored to YOU.
These vary in duration and focus and are scoped out with you to meet your objectives and success outcomes.
LimitlessU – Amplify YOU Program
This program focuses on moving through a sequence of emotional clearing that utilises the insights from a combination of Spiral Dynamics, Emotional Clearing, Kinesiology (muscle testing), NLP (NeuroSemantics-Linguistic Programming), Five Elements Theory, Mind Mapping, Ayurvedic Chakra System, Spiral Dynamics & Levels of Consciousness.
We focus on clearing 22 emotions common to the human experience in a 7-stage process.
In each session, we use powerful clearing methods that marries muscle testing with rubbing powerful release points (meridians) on the body to identify and remove emotional blocks and limiting patterns. We work through the entire chakra system (energy bases) and clean out stagnant emotions.
The process helps you uncover hidden behavioural patterns, allowing you to feel more integrated and ready to step into your best life.
This process reveals unconscious limitations and where there are opportunities to grow. This enables natural strengths to be amplified after clearing the emotional baggage blocking them.
At the conclusion of each session, we will test your integration across the 5 bodies being: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic.
We continually track and test across these 5 levels to ensure sustainable change.
Duration: 9 x 75-minute sessions
LimitlessU-Individual Clearing Sessions
One off-sessions can also be provided and can include a range of Emotional Clearing techniques dependent on your desired outcome.
These can be a standalone session or included in our Leadership and Executive 1:1 Coaching programs. We also offer a 3-session package.
Session Duration: 90-minutes
Session options:
Chakra Clear
In this session, we feel into each of the 7 chakras and check in on how clear each is on a scale of one to ten. We then clear any emotions sitting in that chakra until they are clear. We then look at the two-way energy of each charka (giving and receiving) and clear both energies.
Manifestation Clear
A powerful way to bring in what you truly desire in your life.
We set a clear intention for what you would like to manifest and do a drop-in meditation for you to become fully aware, and then we clear each of the 7 Chakra levels to 100%.
Chakra line Clear
This is an extension of chakra clearing where we can clear LINES between you and another person/object/situation. This is a powerful clear to do when you feel friction or contraction in your relationship with another person or situation and often don't know why.
Statement Clears
This is a powerful yet simple clear where we can clear limiting beliefs or statements you may be holding onto back to equilibrium. We test the statement in both the positive & negative to ensure there is no charge on either side. We do this through muscle testing and clearing relevant emotions as we go.
I had the most incredible coaching session with Renee. It included some emotional clearing techniques I had not experienced before.
Renee holds the space beautifully for you to come to the changes and release what is needed.
It was exactly what I needed at a difficult juncture in my life, and I am very grateful for the gentle support I was given.
I highly recommend Renée Giarrusso for any Leadership or Personal Coaching, and I know if you dip your toe in, the results will be exactly what you need.
What tools do we use?
In these powerful LimitlessU sessions, we use the relevant tools and techniques required as we move through the LimitlessU journey with you.
With over 25 years of professional coaching experience, we combine proven and powerful modalities, including:
- NLP (NeuroSemantics-Linguistic Programming)
- Emotional Clearing
- Kinesiology
- 5 Elements Theory
- The Spiral
- Motivational Mapping
- EQ Mapping
- Mind Mapping
- Ayurvedic Chakra System
- Spiral Dynamics
- Levels of Consciousness
Renée’s enthusiasm for coaching, leading and mentoring is all about taking you and your team on a journey of discovering self and leading your team to higher results. The delivery from Renée is always on point and comes from a place of wanting people to succeed at work and life in general. I can’t recommend Renée highly enough if you want to improve self and to take your business and teams to the next level. I look forward to working with you again soon.