The Let's Grow Show with Scott McLaughlin
October 2024
What an absolute thrill it was to speak with Scott McLaughlin on The Let's Grow Show podcast.
We discussed Leading Growth and what it takes to drive and accelerate momentum, being agile enough to quickly deal with obstacles and barriers, and bringing “The Energy Advantage” to take opportunities on at pace.
We also explored my current fight with cancer, and the mindset I engaged to not just beat it.
Can you catapult your team to a new level of thinking, effort and resilience?
Shweta Rumkumar – Healthy Dynamics Podcast
September 2024
I was featured on Shweta's Healthy Dynamics Podcast as part of her monthly interview series with experts in the communication space.
We explored what initially sparked my interest in communication, the common challenges that organisations and individuals are currently facing in communication, the role of emotional intelligence in communication, how communication can be improved in a hybrid work environment, and my firsthand recent experience of communication in a healthcare setting as an inpatient.
Video podcast with the team from Corporate Underground
06 September 2021
Listen in to this raw, dynamic and fun conversation where Renèe is interviewed by Matt Murray, Ronan Leonard and Tony Sambell from Corporate Underground and Common Sense events.
Get to know “Popcorn” and where her passion for shoes come from and delve into all the amazing consequences in Renee's life that have led her to where she is.
The Centre for Optimism – Optimism and the Gift Mindset
April 2021
Renée Giarrusso is the author of “The Gift Mindset” – a book outlining 12 “gifts to lead and live a life of purpose, connection and contribution.” Gift Number 1 is “The Gift of Optimism” Renée Giarrusso join us online to talk about the gifts and, most importantly, to talk about the gift of optimism.
TV3 NZ – The AM Show
13 April 2021
Have you heard of the gift mindset?
It's a concept that asks us to look at challenges as ‘gifts' and use them to grow into better versions of ourselves, instead of letting them hinder us.
Communications expert and author of the book ‘The Gift Mindset', Renee Giarrusso, spoke to The AM Show.
Bob Hart – Make More Marbles in the US, recently interviewed Renée for his Podcast, and they had an amazing time talking about all things leadership and Gift Mindset.
11 February 2021
Brad Hart, Make More Marbles in the US, recently interviewed me for his Podcast, and we spent the most amazing time talking all things leadership and Gift Mindset. I loved Brad's energy as we deep-dived into the concept of the Gift Mindset.
VID21 Conference with Renée Giarrusso
9 March 2021
In this thought-provoking interview with author Renée Giarrusso we’ll explore how to view challenging situations — and successes too — as ‘gifts’. With the right mindset, we can learn to embrace them and apply the lessons in our personal and professional lives.
The Tradie Chick Interview with Kiki Makrogiannis
July 2020
Interviewed by Kiki Makrogiannis on ‘The Tradie Chick Show” on Ticker TV Renée discusses the challenges and opportunities she sees in her work in the construction industry. She shares valuable insights on her story, leadership and communication. Along with other tools and tips, this is a fun and engaging conversation.
Supercharge Working Remotely
April 2020
In a time of uncertainty and change, with our physical working environment shifting, never has there been a time where leadership of self and others has been more important.
In this talk Renée will delve into ways to supercharge working remotely including; how to ADJUST our mindset, beliefs and habits, ADAPT to our environment and technology and AMPLIFY our communication and connection to lead limitlessly.
Renées energetic session will provide practical insights, tips and tools that can be applied to supercharge new ways of thinking and working remotely.
Watch Renée interviewed on communication & leadership on Ticker TV
April 2020
Renée Giarrusso recently appeared on Ticker TV discuss how people are living in a hybrid work-home environment, and how teams can amplify their communication and leadership. Her Interview was live on the business channel with Ahron Young.