Body Language

Identify and Eliminate Your Energy Vampires

For many years, I’ve been aware of and used the term Energy Vampires. These energetic distractions rear their ugly heads often when helping leaders ramp up productivity or teams looking at ways to minimise distraction. Energy vampires can certainly hinder [...]

Map and Design Motivated Performance

PEOPLE ARE COLORS, BE A RAINBOW Motivation is a simple and often underestimated topic, and it has fascinated me for over a decade. It is the fuel that lights people up. Many executives are unaware of what motivates them both [...]

Shape and Shift your Message

People are like colours, you need to be a rainbow. Team diversity and the need to shape and shift your message to communicate effectively is a given.  Being an effective communicator is imperative to your leadership success and a skill [...]

Listen to what is NOT being said

As many of you know we run numerous workshops that include the fascinating topic of emotional intelligence (IQ) and Body Language. I have had 3 requests in the last week to write an express blog on this and will post [...]

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