Like a firecracker that ignites the night sky, full of intent and leaving a blaze that is not forgotten.
As we enter the New Year it’s an opportune time to reflect on where you have been and where you are going as a leader. I like to think it as a time for “preview” as opposed to “review.” We can’t change the past so let’s focus on what we can change to grow and shape our leadership that will impact our team, organisation and ourselves as leaders and experts in our field.
To be a truly effective and dynamic leader I believe you need to adopt and live certain processes, attributes and skills to lead and influence your team and organisation to maximum effectiveness.
Mastering the art of communication and listening are imperative and go hand in hand; you cannot master being a great communicator if your listening skills are absent and visa versa. These skills are vital and assist in what I call being an “Energetic Leader”, a leader who can influence, motivate and lead a team and organisation by tapping into what really matters and motivate individuals to drive success as one team.
To be a truly energetic leader you need to tap into what truly motivates and energises you and then identify this within your team and satisfy that. Energy breed’s energy and when you can foster this and make it the norm you can lift not only performance but also morale and motivation where everyone is vibrating at the same level and frequency of success.
Based on working with hundreds of leaders and organisations and being in numerous leadership positions I have devised a model that covers the 3 C’s of energetic leadership.
Lead with energy to drive Commitment, Communication and Connection.
This looks at deciding who you are as a leader. You need to make a decision around what you stand for and what you don’t. Leadership is a decision. You need to build, sustain and grow your commitment. Complying to be a leader is like erecting an umbrella on a rainy day. Committing to being a leader is like being ready to brave the storm, being ready to grow, change, improve and stick to it.
Who do you need to BE opposed to what you need to DO comes first?
What do you need to sacrifice? Who do you need to be?
When playing at 100% what does your commitment entail?
All effective leader masters communication and continues to improve and grow their expertise in what is a broad and sometimes challenging skill. Communication comes down to the response you get back from those you communicate with. Act the way you want to lead and attract what you give out. Understand what truly motivates individuals around you by taking the time to identify their strengths, motivations and reason for doing what they do. Match their preferred style and build rapport to subliminally influence and propel the vision and success outcomes both at an individual and team level. When commitment and communication are genuine and effective then direction and focus becomes clear.
As leaders when we are communicating clearly and effectively we tend to be in synch with individuals and connection happens naturally. Enthusiasm is contagious and energy breeds energy and therefore connection. When communication and connection are evident motivation can increase. Match the frequency of the reality you want to create and take the time to connect. It’s like a lamp turned onto to maximum brightness, no dimming necessary when you are congruently connecting with your team. Share your power to strengthen others and appreciate excellence of individuals within your team.
Kick start your new year with a preview of how you want your leadership to look.
A great time to reflect, and plan your energetic leadership for 2016!
Kind Regards
Renée Giarrusso
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“The Top Fifteen Percent Leader”
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Renée Giarrusso, Lead Coach, Trainer and Speaker, works with high performing executives and teams across a myriad of industries and organisations.
Her expertise in growing and developing capability and behavioural change around leadership, communication, transition and sales effectiveness leave her clients inspired, re-energised and with improved results.
Contact us for a chat and see how we can collaborate with you for even more success!