Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.
Does your energy to change exceed your energy to stay the same? Working with hundreds of leaders over the last decade has provided me with amazing insights into how leaders deal or not deal with change. Most people in a management position like to be known as a strong and effective leader and always ask me “How do I get there?” or “What do I need to do?” The answer to this is different for everyone, no magic pill or solution, more a coaching discussion around what is working and what needs to change for them as an individual and the team as a whole.
As human beings, for many of us, making a change does not come easily and there are many reasons for this such as the fear of rejection, failure and uncertainty. Things that you may want to change such as the way you lead your team or taking on coaching conversations with your team may cause noise within your mind as to what could go wrong? What will happen if I look incompetent? What if it doesn't work? This noise will continue until you know your “why” for making the change and this needs to exceed your “why” for not making the change. For instance, many organisations are becoming more coach centric and for good reasons. When leaders encourage and lead coaching conversations with their staff this not only empowers people to think for themselves, it also saves time in managing behaviour, ensures less “surprises” as feedback is ongoing and also creates an open and trusting environment for development. The “why” for this is strong I’m sure you would agree. Conversely, if a leader is not open to focusing on what the change will bring and learning a new skill then this won’t occur and chances are, the conversations with staff will be more “telling” type conversations, which addresses none of the above.
Three points to consider when making a change:
Know your why
Why has this idea for change come up?
- What are the benefits for addressing this?
- What will the change look like?
- What do you want to achieve for yourself and the team?
What is pulling you to towards making the change?
What will you see, hear and feel once the change is in place?
- What won’t you see, feel and hear?
- What are the key things pulling you towards this change?
- What energy do you have to make this change?
What is holding you from not making the change?
If nothing changes, how will this look?
- How will you feel if nothing changes?
- What will it cost you to not make this change?
- What will be the outcome if nothing changes?
When what is pulling you to change has more energy around it and this exceeds what is holding you not to change, then its’ time to take action. Remember, if your energy isn’t directed towards the change revaluate this and what you need to do to make it happen!
Renée Giarrusso
Renée Giarrusso, Lead Coach, Trainer and Founder of Metamorphose Consulting, works with high performing Executives and teams across a myriad of industries and organisations. Her expertise in growing and developing capability and behavioural change around leadership, communication, transition and sales effectiveness leaves her clients inspired, re-energised and with improved results.
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“The Top Fifteen Percent” leadership program launching soon with a February 2016 kick off. Contact us for a complimentary white paper and details on this interactive and dynamic mentoring program.