42: The Importance of Connection & Spirituality to becoming a Healthy CEO of your Life

Joining Renée on today’s episode is Shaun Tucker who believes that our body is the physical expression of WHO WE ARE. Learning to express our body through movement is just as important as knowing who we are. 

Shaun Tucker's life purpose is to Create and Enrich All-beings to be the custodians of their Health and Wellness, so they live as the CEO of their life.

At Healthy CEOs, they believe that there are four pillars to Health. Mindset, Nutrition, Lifestyle and Movement. Wellness is the integration of those four aspects that also connects the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual beings that we are. Before you can change any of the four pillar – you need to shift your energy. Your energy is the ground zero and foundation of who you are, and is the compass to long lasting change. 

Here are three reasons you should listen to the full episode: 

  • Understand that your power to ‘be' who you are is now. All that exists is this moment. 
  • Learn to let go of things that no longer serve you. 
  • Discover that timing is crucial when executing specific tasks that you have been putting off.    

Episode Highlights:  

 [2:38] What a CEO Means for Shaun 

  • Someone who take responsibility in all aspects of their life 
  • A CEO takes not only takes accountability for his/her self but also for everyone else around him/her 
  • We all have the choice to be the CEO of our life. We can always take responsibility to make a positive contribution to the next moment. 

[6:14] Shaun Tucker’s Backstory 

  • Shaun was following in the footsteps of his brothers, doing what he was told do, and did not really have a purpose in life then 
  • He decided to make some changes about his lifestyle and started pursuing his passion 
  • He worked as a trainer at a gym and loved it 
  • He stopped working because of the lockdown and decided to work on himself internally – like yoga and meditation. 
  • Right people at the right time. The right people started to show up in Shaun’s life and he learned from them. 

[12:59] Who Does Shaun Love Working With 

  • Loves to work someone who's ready to be responsive and take responsibility for their life 
  • Someone who is open to change 

[17:10] A Few Practical Tips  

  • Practice stillness. Set a timer for five or ten minutes, then sit still on the ground. 
  • Build tiny habits around it 
  • Practice yoga. Not the stretching kind of yoga but practice yoga by being aware of how many words you have uttered in the last few minutes. Make a mental note of it. You can also count steps or the number of times you chew before swallowing. 

[24:03] All We Have Is Now 

  • Tomorrow doesn't exist. Neither does yesterday. Today doesn't really exist. We only have the NOW. 
  • Presentness and awareness makes life profound. 

[24:18] Let go of things that don't serve you anymore 

  • Awareness is key. Make a list of the relationships that aren't serving you right now. 
  • Set strong boundaries 
  • Practice awareness, acceptance, and acknowledgement, and then taking action 

[30:16] Giving Without Expecting To Receive 

  • We usually receive, but we don't notice or acknowledge it. 
  • Begin to see things in greater picture. Become the observer but also the observer that takes action. 

[32:11] You Attract What You Really Want  

  • We attract what we desire. Nothing happens by accident. 
  • Anything that happens, good or bad, is meant to happen. 
  • Things happen this way because you make them happen, and it's meant to happen this way. 
  • Your vision becomes your boss. 

[39:38] Leading by Example 

  • We need to be the change 
  • Leadership starts within us 


  • [23:34] “The past to me is a graveyard. You can learn a lot. The future doesn't exist. We might not be here tomorrow. All we have is now.” 
  • [30:16] “Give without expecting to receive.” 
  • [36:14] “Your vision is your boss.” 
  • [41:10] “You're the director of your decisions and choices and your thoughts”  
  • [45:20] “Connect and know yourself before you can connect with others deeply.

About Shaun: 

Healthy CEOs is the manifestation and extension of Shaun Tucker.

Shaun Tucker's life purpose is to Create and Enrich All-beings to be the custodians of their Health and Wellness, so they live as the CEO of their life.

At Healthy CEOs, we believe that there are four pillars to Health. Mindset, Nutrition, Lifestyle and Movement. Wellness is the integration of those four aspects that also connects the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual beings that we are. Before you can change any of the four pillar – you need to shift your energy. Your energy is the ground zero and foundation of who you are, and is the compass to long lasting change.

Contact Shaun: 


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Leadership in changing times can be difficult, but you can adopt certain traits to get your team through it. You can also join mentorship programs to gain the skill you need.   

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To leading the future,  
