There are three key influencers for career potential, progression and success: your Leaders, your Mentors and your Networks.

The best leaders know how to get the most out of people; they enable the full potential in others.

Anyone leading a team or business will at some stage be faced with feeling lonely and disconnected. It can be lonely at the top, and isolation can be really daunting, distracting and down-right challenging.

We’re inviting you to meet with like-minded professionals from various backgrounds and industries, to collaborate and share best practice as well as work through common challenges in real-time. I’m so excited to be co-launching “The Kindred Executive” program with the amazing Jaquie Scammell.

This is a twelve-month journey that will raise your leadership profile, see you produce transformational results, identify & satisfy more than 70% of your top motivators and align a career path that feels more meaningful and congruent with who you really are. 

Maybe you're feeling unheard and disconnected and unable to showcase your strengths. Maybe you feel a lack of purpose and strategic agility as you rarely get to network outside of your workplace.

Working with thousands of leaders across multiple industries, these challenges are not uncommon. Being time poor and sometimes skill stretched prevents us from addressing these challenges, as important as they are.

The Kindred Executive

Is a program where you meet as one large group per quarter, then in smaller mentoring groups three times per year, with access to 1:1 coaching to bolster onto the program. You’ll get to work with like-minded leaders across a diverse array of industries working on challenges in real-time, sharing best practice and having access to some amazing speakers and resources based around quarterly themes.

What You’ll Get: 

  • Unique perspectives into your own development 
  • Be inspired by others. 
  • Learn new things about your own leadership capabilities and aptitudes 
  • Look at organisations who have solved or are part-way through solving similar problems 
  • Through collaboration, develop deeper skills in empathy and communication 
  • Be part of an instant network of prominent leaders within their industries 
  • Honest feedback without corporate ego or politics 
  • Clarity and focus around your top motivators 
  • Investment in time with amazing speakers and mentors 

This program was born out of a real need in the market to create a dynamic space where like-minded male and female leaders could access the richness they all bring, on a regular basis and in different forums.

Many clients, like Derick, who was a sales director I mentored for many years, were a trigger to create The Kindred Executive program. Derick was brilliant, a futurist in his thinking but was held back by a culture that didn't embrace change and new ways of doing things. Every time he put forward an idea, there was push back, and I seemed to be his only sounding board. He didn't want to burden his team and therefore felt isolated, alone and demotivated. His strategic agility was low, and he often asked me to share what other industries were doing.

The leadership team he was part of went with the flow and was what I call a “yes” team, where nothing was debated, and all of the elephants in the room are often ignored. I always believe debate with intent trumps harmony for comfort’s sake, and this leadership team was the exact opposite of that. It was easy, comfortable and beige – if it was a colour. Derick became the odd one out and never felt heard.

When we spend over 75% of our life at work; we need to make the choice to choose what we really love doing.

The end result was that Derick lost his leadership mojo and was forced to find other ways in his role to feel satisfied, still often feeling alone and unheard. He got through in the end, but it needn't have been so hard.

A program such as The Kindred Executive is for leaders who want to grow, strengthen strategic agility and guess and test ideas and new ways outside of their normal workplace. Derick would have benefited from such a program if it had existed back then.

We would love you to be part of this program launching in June! The Kindred Executive is a dynamic and interactive program that supports you for your best year ever! A talent acceleration program for high performers, done with the act of service in mind.

Register your interest by calling us for a chat today!

Be limitless!
