Living life as our full, energetic selves is vital for us to function at our highest level, both physically and mentally. When we feel energised, we feel motivated on a physical, mental and emotional level. It is up to us to be aware of when and how we replenish our energy.

Life can be stressful and full of chaos – like catching spinning plates. From family, friends, work, technology and new ideas to our physical and mental health, we face conflicting priorities daily. Working long hours, lack of quality sleep and food; a manic mind and stress can zap our energy. Like a battery, we cannot be charged unless we fill our reserves.

When our energy is depleted, we are no good to anyone. When we ignore how low energy can lead to adverse outcomes such as depression, illness and lack of social contact. We cannot bring our whole selves if we don’t take the time to re-energise.

When someone is energised, you can feel their energy. When a work team is energised, members feel they can achieve almost anything. As a leader, if you see a gap in your team's energy, you need to open the door to explore this as a team and see what is going on. Energy, or lack thereof, can be due to something deeper, so this needs to be delved into.

These days, people work more hours, balancing remote work and feeling stressed out, exhausted and overwhelmed – ‘burnt out’. The World Health Organization recently deemed burnout as a classifiable workplace phenomenon.

Workplace energy depletion is a reality

Many factors lead to energy depletion and burnout. Some causes bridge home and the workplace, while other pressures are work-specific. The Mayo Clinic researched stress and burnout at work and has shown common workplace factors contributing to it. I have listed a few below, in conjunction with my experiences working in organisations over the last 15 years.

Here are the main contributing factors I have observed:

Unclear role expectations and purpose:

This can lead to a lack of direction, where you question your own and your manager’s expectations of you. An unclear purpose leads to an unclear strategy and unknown authority in your role, confusing and demotivating.

Dysfunctional workplace dynamics:

Lack of purpose, morale or collaboration can be stressful and energy-draining. Unclear expectations of the team and organisation are confusing, and dealing with team members who may be bullies or micromanagers.

Work-life imbalance:

Channelling most of your focus and energy into the workplace results in a lack of energy to spend quality time on other things that matter – family, friends or passions and self-growth.

Job function overload:

Getting fewer people to do more not only creates an issue in the capacity to do a good job but can also create gaps in capability. This leaves us feeling inadequate and unmotivated, especially if there is no upskilling or support.

Lack of control or resources:

An inability to influence decisions that affect your job – such as your schedule, assignments or workload – could lead to job burnout.
So could a lack of the resources you need to do your work.

Extremes of activity:

When a job is monotonous or chaotic, the constant energy required to remain focused may lead to fatigue, lack of energy and job burnout.

Lack of social support:

A strong support network is vital. Feeling isolated at work or in your personal life might lead to feeling more stressed. Strong working relationships are key to building resilience, self-confidence and energy.

Re-energising as a leader:

As a leader, you need to exude the kind of energy you want to see in others. When I led corporate teams and now, as a leader in my business, staying true to my purpose has been key to keeping my energy and others' inflow.

Rest and self-care are so important

When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel. — Eleanor Brownn

Whether you’re in a leadership role or not, you are responsible for leading yourself. Think about what energises you and start there. Be open about any concerns you have with your peers, manager or co-workers in other areas of the business. Get clear on your purpose and your expectations of yourself and others.

Here are four questions to ask:

  1. What is the expectation of my role? Be specific and get clear on this.
  2. What do I expect from my team?
  3. What does the team expect of me?
  4. What is the expectation and purpose of the organisation?

If you need to re-energise, get support from those around you – whether in or outside the workplace. We all need a strong support network; remember, connection is an innate human need. Reach out to co-workers, loved ones, external mentors and friends.

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Lead to be limitless…

Signed Reneé

Renee Giarrusso SignatureFind out where you sit on the Leadership Ladder, your responses are anonymous, and the results summarised to help us better understand where our market sits so that we can continue to provide, insights, tools and solutions to assist you in moving up to be LIMITLESS, co-creative and stand out.

Renée is a mentor, coach, expert facilitator and keynote speaker; She is the author of  ‘Gift Mindset®‘, ‘Limitless Leadership’ and co-author of ‘Leaders of Influence’.

PS: Want to skyrocket your success from working anywhere? We've launched our online program, and you can read more about that here.

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If this article resonates with you in any way – I’d love to hear your thoughts – get in touch.

Being in service to my clients is why I do what I do, and your feedback, insight, and suggestions are always embraced.

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