Vanessa Vershaw, author of “Unreasonable Ambition”, is an award-winning organisational psychologist and is recognised as an elite peak-performance coaching psychologist, entrepreneur, and transformation strategist.
Her dedication and experience, spanning over two decades of work, have paved the way for business leaders to shift their mindset to go beyond resilience, adaptability and big-hearted ambition.
Key Take Aways:
There is no one way to be a good leader. There is only YOUR way. As the world changes, it is crucial to discover one's gifts and potential and harness them in their own unique way. The challenges of this world are so big that they demand big ambitions from our leaders. There is no better time than now to adopt a people-centric organisational culture.
- The world has changed, and so have we as we are now living in the “next normal”. After going through the pandemic, people's priorities have changed. Employees want a human-centric culture, where they (not their tasks) are the priority of the company.
- Change starts with the leader. It's “people before process before progress”. This is not the time to fear the storm. Instead, they as the leaders must be the storm to shake things up and deliver the outcome most beneficial for all.
- The leader's role is to grow future leaders. It is not a natural position, there has to be intentionality in prioritizing people and organizational dynamics instead of strategies.
- We are the leader of oneself who are capable of leaving a legacy to each person we interact with. To lead your life, you need to be leading yourself first.
- Knowing is one thing. Doing is where the magic is. Your personal values and the values of the company should be aligned. Every decision you make is anchored on the values that you hold onto.
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To leading the future,
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