Limitless Leadership begins with self-belief and conviction in authentically wanting to commit to the bigger game. This does not come from external factors but from your internal compass paving the way to what you project to the outside world. The direction does not always come from up above or your team, parts of it may, but you need to find this, drive it and own it.

In any role, we can get caught up in the ‘doing” juggling multiple balls in the air such as; technology, people, relationships, structure, strategy, hybrid work, innovation, and so much more.

It’s no wonder many leaders are only managing their teams instead of leading them and their organisations forward. To shift from a management mindset to a leadership mindset takes awareness, skill, will, energy, and more than just drive, ambition, and some smarts. It all starts with self-leadership and filling this cup before you can share. We need to learn, unlearn and learn again and adopt the mindset, skills and habits to evolve and develop and look at what is next continually.

Life Skills (a.k.a Soft skills) are imperative to master and form the foundation of success in any role. There are many traits, mindsets, perspectives and habits we need to adopt, and we have identified these as THE 12 SUPERPOWERS to Lead and Be Limitless.

“SUPERPOWER – an exceptional or extraordinary power or ability”

Your Superpower is your special sauce. It’s something unique to you. It may be a skill or trait that others may possess, but it’s unique to you as there is no one else who is you.

Superpowers can help us sprint instead of run, walk rather than crawl, and help us be the leaders we want to become and create future leaders.

If you’re a leader looking to invest in yourself to serve others better and your organisation, please see my thinking captured in this leadership whitepaper.

Click here to receive your complimentary copy of The 12 Superpowers to Lead and be Limitless.

n this article, I explore the 12 Superpowers to lead and be limitless and compare the difference in behaviour that could LIMIT you or make you LIMITLESS.

The Superpowers of a Limitless leader:

  • Get comfortable being uncomfortable
  • Effectively communicate
  • Have high self-awareness and EI
  • Are intentional in thoughts and actions
  • Adopt a Gift Mindset
  • Are purpose-led
  • Have motivational intelligence
  • Delegate what they like doing
  • Possess strong self-belief
  • Cultivate a  bursting mindset
  • Coach and seek feedback
  • Lead with courage



As always, I’d love to hear what stands out for you.

Signed Reneé

Renee Giarrusso SignatureFind out where you sit on the Leadership Ladder, your responses are anonymous, and the results summarised to help us better understand where our market sits so that we can continue to provide, insights, tools and solutions to assist you in moving up to be LIMITLESS, co-creative and stand out.

Renée is a mentor, coach, expert facilitator and keynote speaker; She is the author of  ‘Gift Mindset®‘, ‘Limitless Leadership’ and co-author of ‘Leaders of Influence’.

PS: Want to skyrocket your success from working anywhere? We've launched our online program, and you can read more about that here.