Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life, It’s about what you inspire others to do.
Early this year I was working with a senior executive team who were extremely open about the fact that no member of their teams could replicate what they do. At first, I thought that what they were referring to was from a leadership perspective and I soon uncovered they meant that no one in their team had the knowledge base they had both at a technical and leadership level. This wasn’t good, and I stopped the conversation in it’s tracks to delve into what was really underlying this thought and more so, the behaviour.
In life, we can become attached to people, things, tasks, and even where we live. We hold on to things usually without conscious reasoning, and we do this for many reasons. Firstly, whatever we are holding onto may keep us safe. Security is one of the human needs so it can be natural to do what feels will keep us safe, secure and out of danger. Taking the easy road instead of going off the beaten track is a good example of this. Sticking to the safe way and being in a comfort zone is a strategy many people use and I always ask, “What is the cost of the easy road?”
Secondly, I believe we may hold onto something because it gives us a level of control.
Life has become chaotic, fast-paced and frantic, so many choices can make it overwhelming, and at times we feel out of control. This forces us to sometimes stick to the known as we gain a level of control from this even if it doesn't serve the greater good. You may know more about a process, strategy or plan than anyone else and therefore you have a level of control over it.
The third reason I think we sometimes hold onto things is that we get a level of significance from them. If you pioneered an idea, division or created a team, you may have an attachment that prevents you from letting go. The saying “But it’s my baby” sums this up perfectly. You feel needed and wanted, and your contribution is high to the process or progress but necessarily the people part of the equation.
For whatever reason and there are many more, I ask you to step back and look at why you do what you do? If you owned the business you work in, and maybe you do, would you have the same mindset of holding on to all you know and do?
In the example of the senior team I was working with, not creating empowerment in others is a death zone. In a leadership position, you are creating future leaders and leading current ones. You simply need to “pass it on.”
Pass the baton and don’t just empower others but instead cultivate the behaviours for individuals to empower themselves. I believe empowering others has a temporary, effect; you need to drive behaviours for individuals to own their empowerment. Lose the need to add value and let people go away and work out the “how” in order to achieve the “what”. Teach them what you know but let them contribute their thoughts and ways.
Look at yourself as a coaching resource, a sounding board, almost like the conductor if the orchestra. You don’t need to play the instruments but instead, teach others and guide them to a symphony, much like a performance.
So how do create self-empowerment in others? Ongoing feedback and trust is vital as is identifying and satisfying what motivates individuals so they can layer this onto what they are strong at. Be open, be accessible and share what you know in order to pass on your legacy and help your team thrive.
I’d love to hear of the success you have and the ideas you implement to ensure knowledge and behaviours are passed on. You are a leader, it's your job, pass it on!
Renée has published her first book “Limitless Leadership” – A guide to leading from the inside out.
Order your copy today! or go to
Renée Giarrusso is an accomplished author, facilitator, speaker, trainer and coach who works with high performing leaders and their teams across a myriad of industries and organisations.
She passionately helps leaders fulfil their full potential resulting in increased motivation, communication and connection. Working with executives and SLT teams she maps and designs motivation to maximise performance and engagement. Her expertise in growing and developing capability and behavioural change around leadership, communication and transition leave her clients inspired, re-energised and with improved results.
Work with me!
Contact us today at to discuss how we can collaborate on your business success. Learn more about our in-house Limitless Leadership, Mapping Motivation and Presenting to Lead and Communication workshops and mentoring programs.
“The Top Fifteen Percent Leader” A dynamic interactive leadership program, run as an openly facilitated in-house program 3 hours a month over the year!
Contact us for our FREE whitepaper and program details
Lunch and Lead-April 7 South Melbourne
Join 15 like-minded women from a diverse array of industries over lunch. Take the time to reflect and enjoy an open and casual conversation on what challenges you and motivates you from a leadership perspective. Celebrate the year that has been! FULLY BOOKED OUT
Mastering your Mojo-June 15th Melbourne
Go from drowning in the overwhelm that sometimes a career and life can create to taking the time to reflect, recharge and reconnect with your purpose and mission to move forward.
Join me for our “Mastering your Leadership Mojo” practicum
Time: 9am-4pm
Venue: Golden Gate Hotel, South Melbourne
Investment: $595 +GST pp
Book before May 5th at our Early bird rate of $495 + GST
Limited to 25 places
What you will get:
- 1 full-day workshop facilitated by Renée Giarrusso
- The day is based around key themes: Reflect-Recharge- Refocus
- Recharge to reconnect ~Learning to manage your energy for optimal results in your daily life- Guest speaker Amanda Adey Auricfields Kinesiology
- Access to sharing and learning with like-minded people
- A scrumptious sit-down Al a carte lunch
- Barista coffee all day (it’s the little things J )
- All workshop materials
Contact for further details
*Limited to 25 attendees