If your team or business is not committed, it can mean a lot of work and ‘noise’ and usually will not achieve the desired outcome.
Having true commitment in a work context is like having a lamp turned on to full capacity—no dimming or power-saving here. If individuals in your team are only complying, then the lamp needs to be plugged in and turned on regularly or it will never shine as brightly.
Compliant behaviour is an action or act, and usually has a short-term result that is demanded. Commitment is earned (not controlled) and inspired—it comes from within.
You are the focus, and true commitment has to come from you. Truly committed leaders are ‘all-in’. They are not sitting on the sideline because they have to be there. Commitment comes from four areas:
As an individual, you need to understand your purpose, the purpose of others and the purpose of your organisation.
As a leader, what have you done to share your organisation’s purpose, and coach and mentor individuals in your team to understand their purpose and that of others?
What can you do, with each team member, to instil and build belief in what they need to do and why they are doing it? As a leader, do you have self-belief in what you stand for? Are your values aligned to that of your team and what it believes in?
We have internal and external motivations at work. Our external motivators may include incentives, working conditions and our role title. Our internal motivations drive us. What motivates you and those in your team? Do you simply manage these motivations or do you really identify these motivations and satisfy them?
Planned effort
Commitment can occur by knowing what you need to achieve and having the internal motivation and self-belief that you can do it. Knowing is one thing, but action makes things happen. What planned effort are you accountable for? How, as a leader of self or others, are you driving this?
Look out for what’s not being said, as non-verbal cues can really demonstrate someone’s level of commitment. What physiological traits are you exhibiting that demonstrate your commitment? They are easy to see in others. If someone says, Sure I'll get that done, with little eye contact, slumped shoulders and no enthusiasm, I would delve into this person's level of commitment.
Renée Giarrusso
Renée has published her first book “Limitless Leadership” – A guide to leading from the inside out.
Order your copy today!
Renée Giarrusso is an accomplished author, facilitator, speaker, trainer and coach who works with high performing leaders and their teams across a myriad of industries and organisations.
She passionately helps leaders fulfil their full potential resulting in increased motivation, communication and connection. Her expertise in growing and developing capability and behavioural change around leadership, communication, transition, presenting and sales effectiveness leave her clients inspired, re-energised and with improved results.
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Limitless Leadership Master Class- 2 day Public Workshop!
Melbourne February 27th and 28th 2017
Limited to 14 places per program
Please note we can also run this program in-house across 3 levels of management
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“The Top Fifteen Percent Leader”
A dynamic interactive leadership program, run as an openly facilitated in-house program 3 hours a month over the year!
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