Moving from onsite to remote work requires us to shift our psychology as well as our physical environment. Many clients and colleagues, me included are feeling super drained, tired and almost over having countless virtual meetings via platforms such as Zoom, Skype and Teams.
Connecting is key…
Managing human connection on visual platforms is vital.
As part of my research for our soon to be launched online program “Supercharge Working Remotely” I developed these tips, and I hope you find them useful:
How is online different?
When we meet with others online, there is a different quality to our attention. When we are face to face physically, we can see the whole person, whereas when interacting online, we rely on the available visual cues that we see. We also become distracted with our remote office surroundings, emails and notifications popping up.
When we converse with several people online, we attempt to process visual cues simultaneously in a very different way than we would be if face-to-face in a meeting room.
It can become an extremely stimulus rich experience and result in us feeling overstimulated and distracted, which stifle our connection to others.
A few key tips:
- Mix up the modes of communication to include phone, video, face time and virtual interactions
- Ask individuals and your team HOW they like to be communicated with
- Set boundaries on the times of the 1st and last virtual meeting each day
- Close down unnecessary programs (such as email) when interacting online
- Take a break between each meeting to recalibrate and be present
- Check into each meeting a few minutes before to present and ready
- Take breaks on long meetings and get some physical movement in
Love to hear any other tips you have?
Lead to be limitless…
If this article has resonated with you in any way – I’d love to hear your thoughts – get in touch. Being in service to my clients is why I do what I do and your feedback, insight and any suggestions are always embraced.
Find out where you sit on the Leadership Ladder, your responses are anonymous and the results summarised to help us better understand where our market sits so that we can continue to provide, insights, tools and solutions to assist you to move up to be LIMITLESS, co-creative and stand out.
Renée is a mentor, coach, expert facilitator and keynote speaker. She is the author of ‘Limitless Leadership’ and co-author of ‘Leaders of Influence’.
Follow Renée on Facebook, Instagram, IGTV or Twitter, or subscribe to her blog here or new podcast here.