Are you ready to lead in a hybrid working environment?

The uncertainty of the past few months has also created both opportunity and possibility like we've never seen before.

As we know, a crisis can fast track change. Now is a great time to reflect on what you and your team have learnt and what you can take with you as you re-enter into a hybrid working environment.

Many of our clients have experienced deep collaboration, innovation and stronger relationships with their teams. Overall they are feeling more connected to their people! What a gift!

As we re-enter the workplace and make the shift to a hybrid working model, it’s essential to ensure we don’t forget the “gems” we have gleaned from remote work. We need to look backwards, look forwards and look around us by taking a peripheral view. We can get caught up in the doing and defaulting back to the way things were. It's too easy.


We've been exploring these three questions with clients:

  1.   What will you let in?
  2.   What will you let go of?
  3.   What will you let be?



These questions are the foundation of our newly launched Setting the NEXT NORMAL™ team workshop programs.

[bctt tweet=”As we approach the  NEXT NORMAL™, avoid defaulting backwards in your thinking, your mindset and how you work.” username=”Renee_Giarrusso”]

Now is the time to instil confidence in your team and take the shared lessons and the creative thinking into the future of work to re-energise purpose, performance and culture.

Love to hear your response to what you will let in, let go of and let be?

Lead to be limitless

Signed Reneé

PS: Want to skyrocket your success from working anywhere? We've launched our new online program, and you can read more about that here.

Ever wondered what Renée gets up to when she isn't working with her clients? She's doing this.

If this article has resonated with you in any way – I’d love to hear your thoughts – get in touch.

Being in service to my clients is why I do what I do, and your feedback, insight and any suggestions are always embraced.

Find out where you sit on the Leadership Ladder, your responses are anonymous, and the results summarised to help us better understand where our market sits so that we can continue to provide, insights, tools and solutions to assist you to move up to be LIMITLESS, co-creative and stand out.

Renée is a mentor, coach, expert facilitator and keynote speaker; She is the author of ‘Limitless Leadership’ and co-author of ‘Leaders of Influence’.

Follow Renée on FacebookInstagramIGTV or Twitter, or subscribe to her blog here or new podcast here.