How do you drive feedback to grow?
Thank you for all your responses to our Limitless Leader™ Indicator Tool. This tool allows you to see where you sit as a LIMITLESS LEADER™ and how to take your leadership to the next level and be LIMITLESS!
Your responses continue to provide valuable insight into our work and how we can be in service to you, our amazing clients, and collaborate with you on your success.
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We were shocked!
Around 35% of respondents don’t ask for regular feedback on their performance.
Seeking feedback is an integral part of development and growth to be a LIMITLESS LEADER™. It can provide insight into areas for development and also a picture of the achievements you’re making.
You can’t improve if you aren’t aware of what needs improvement – and you can’t celebrate on your own.
Do you:
- Seek feedback? If not – why not?
- Challenge yourself to ask for feedback outside of your manager?
- Make this a regular part of your focus and growth?
- Invest in the time in asking and learning in order to be a better leader?
There is no such thing as failure, only feedback
Cross Leadership™ is a concept I have been writing about, and it simply means that you need to lead across to your peers, to your direct reports and to your manager and their peers.
The value of feedback…
When asking for feedback, how valuable would it be to reach out and seek feedback from your peers, your team and not only your manager but their peers? This will increase your strategic agility and provide you with multi-faceted feedback from different perspectives. You will build your networks, gain different insights into you and take your growth to a new level.
Own your growth
If you are not receiving feedback, don’t wait for it. Own your growth, and it can be as simple as asking two questions:
- What am I doing well?
- What could I change or do differently?
It never ceases to amaze me when leaders I work with reach outside their normal lines of feedback and simply ask those two questions. We can’t always see what is in front of us or our blind spots. We often need others to share what they see, and then we can take this on board and take our growth to the next level.
As always, we would love to hear what works for you?
To being limitless
For more of my tips on how change can equate to growth, get in touch. I look forward to
working with you in the future!
Find out where you sit on the Leadership Ladder, your responses are anonymous, and the results summarised to help us better understand where our market sits so that we can continue to provide, insights, tools and solutions to assist you to move up to be LIMITLESS, co-creative and stand out.
Renée is a mentor, coach, expert facilitator and keynote speaker. She is the author of ‘Limitless Leadership’ and co-author of ‘Leaders of Influence’.
Follow Renee on Facebook, Instagram, IGTV or Twitter, or subscribe to her blog here or new podcast here.