Self-management wins over time management every day. Time is what it is.

Your actions and results stem directly from how effectively or ineffectively you manage yourself.

Across the many industries I work in and at all levels of leadership, being time-poor is the biggest challenge I see and hear about.

In today's workplace, there are less people doing more, and this often sets an unrealistic expectation of what can be achieved, leaving so many people feeling unmotivated, unfulfilled and therefore guilty of what is not being achieved opposed to what is.

As a person who leverages the hell out of every minute, I really believe your success in managing yourself comes down to being aware of two key things, I believe we need balance in, and that is “headspace” and our “energy”.

In order to lead and serve ourselves, our teams and organisations, we need to do the right things at the right time and feel fulfilled.  A focus on these two areas is imperative as they directly correlate with your perception and use of time.

[bctt tweet=”“Your actions and results stem directly from how effectively or ineffectively you manage yourself.”” username=”Renee_Giarrusso”]

I just don't have time!

Why is it that some people do and be so much in the time they have versus others who complain they can’t fit anything in?

Obviously, we all have different lives, priorities, motivations and things that drive us. Still, if you want to leverage your best self, I reckon you need to tap into what you are thinking about and how this affects our energy and therefore our level of self-management.

Self-Management = Headspace & Energy

Getting home at a decent time from work and thinking about the day that was and the next big presentation coming up is going to affect your headspace and more importantly, how you are at home. This internal chatter is consuming your thoughts. This then flows onto your energy as we all know when our minds go into overdrive, and the monkey mindsets in our physical, emotional, spiritual and mental energy are affected.

Did you know your brain is actually split into 3 smaller brains; the reptilian brain, the monkey brain and the logical brain, also known as the leadership brain.

[bctt tweet=”Did you know your brain is actually split into 3 smaller brains; the reptilian brain, the monkey brain and the logical brain, also known as the leadership brain.” username=”Renee_Giarrusso”]

In a nutshell, the reptilian brains primary focus is to survive and if/when you are under pressure or threat this brain kicks in that fight or flight response we all know.

Our relationship brain, also referred to as the monkey brain can become easily distracted as its job is to look for connection and this brain is the one that sometimes struggles to focus on one thing, causes internal chatter and can be the trigger of self-doubt. We are all familiar with this one, the cheeky and distracting brain.

The Leadership brain or logical brain (neocortex) is the one that looks into the future, and its key role is to create and think about a better world and solve problems creatively. This is where I believe successful leaders operate from.

[bctt tweet=”The only way we can control our headspace is by controlling our thoughts and I think as leaders we need to operate from the leadership brain as much as possible.” username=”Renee_Giarrusso”]

Sounds easy? Not at all, I believe this is a constant battle for most people, but by being aware of the three brains, I think we can at least be consciously aware of where we are operating from.

So, take time to control the monkey brain and don’t buy into its chatter.  Look into what negative inner dialogue you are hearing and flip it. What unresolved situations are you carrying around that turns the clearness of your world opaque?

Our thoughts are the only thing we can control, and as much as it takes time, focus and laser-like discipline, the pay-off is huge. By having what I call purposeful thoughts and by being deeply self-aware, you can prevent the reptile brain from kicking in and triggering that fight or flight response.

[bctt tweet=”When our headspace is clear, open and present our energy at work and at home is pure and undiluted. When this is the case we can focus more on what counts at a deeper level and leverage the inelastic vortex that is time.” username=”Renee_Giarrusso”]

As always, would love your thoughts…

To becoming LIMITLESS


Renee Giarrussso Director RG Dynamics Pty Limited Limited LeadershipFor more of my tips on how change can equate to growth, get in touch. I look forward to working with you in the future!

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Renée is a mentor, coach, expert facilitator and keynote speaker. She is the author of ‘Limitless Leadership™’ and co-author of ‘Leaders of Influence’.

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