Welcome to the New Year. I hope you’ve been able to take some time out to reflect, recharge and reset for the year ahead.
In this episode of Limitless Leaders™ Podcast I want to talk about:
- ‘The Great Resignation’, which I call ‘The Great Rejuvenation’ and what’s driving it;
- Embracing The Gift Mindset and the 12 Gifts;
- The importance of embracing gratitude.
- www.ReneeGiarusso.com/resources
- www.GiftMindset.com
- Limitless Leaders™ 90-Day Program
[1.43] The Great Resignation
- A term that has come from WEF
- In 2021, 41% of employees were planning to leave their job (Europe and USA)
- Gartner’s Innovation Expert, Aaron McEwen believes there is data that shows it’s going to impact Australia in March 2022.
What’s behind the Great Resignation?
- Companies who have their values aligned with their employees, are growing their employees, and are purpose led – will be fine.
- Companies who will be most impacted will be because of a lack of career opportunities, no pay rises, lack of appreciation and recognition
- Post pandemic values misalignment – no longer congruent with employee values
- Poor company culture
- Lack of work/life balance and flexibility
- Overseas work
[5.25] Embracing The Gift Mindset
- Tapping into the gifts
- Looking at the lessons from challenges or successes
- Did we learn the Gift of Growth or Optimism or Curiousity?
- Did we learn the Gift of Empathy?
[6.23] The Importance of Gratitude
- There’s a lack of appreciation and recognition in many organisations
- Many organisations are performance based; focused on bottom line and progress
- Some executives feel showing gratitude can be a weakness
- Other executives don’t feel they have the time
- Expressing gratitude needs to be part of your leadership
[9.19] The Happiness Project
- People who were sent ‘thank you’ letters their happiness went from 2% to 4%
- When people were phoned directly their happiness increased from 4% to 19%
[10.00] Tips to showing gratitude
- Question to ask: “Who or what are you grateful for?”
- For every negative that comes up in a meeting, ask for three positive aspects that has come about from that negative challenge
- Have a Gratitude Jar
- Don’t make it complicated
- Start to ingrain the showing of gratitude as commonplace
- Know what makes you feel appreciated and share that with others
- Find out what makes others feel appreciated and show appreciation to them that way
Think about what can you do to foster a workplace of gratitude and make people feel truly appreciated?
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To leading the future,
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